Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Using Twitter in your job search

Twitter is an amazing tool when you think about it... a heck of a lot of information gets passed around in 140 characters or less. And one of the various things is that Job Searches can be enhanced by Twitter.

As with all Social Media curate your presence to make sure it is professional and links to a resume/web page about you. If you are openly searching mention the jobs you are searching for; use the keywords tag (#<keyword>) if it is something people look for.

But there is more. You can stalk the people at companies you want to work at. Say you really want to take part in the LOLCats company? then follow the CEO Ben Huh or CTO Scott Porad or simply look for people on Twitter that work there and see if they Tweet about job openings. If nothing else you will get an idea of what is important to the company and/or to them and that will give you an advantage in Cover Letters, Resumes and Interviews.

Also, there are whole profiles devoted to job searching. Follow @Microjobs and see what he tweets out. And if you are feeling particularly brave tweet "I want a job at @<company>" and see if anyone responds.

Use Twitter to gain intelligence for the interviews too. Often the fires of the day will appear on the Twitter account of workers there. You can use that information when interviewing like "Remember last week when your Gold Position fell in value and your hedge did not kick in?" Something like that demonstrates you care about them and know about them.

Finally there are the Twitter Search engines devoted to finding jobs. TwitJobSearch is one such example. Google twitter job search and see what comes up.

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